I'm Over There

I loved my time posting on micro.blog. But I got tired of splitting myself across multiple sites. I had my main blog, this micro-blog for photos, my newsletter, my Mastodon account and many more. I think I even tried to get a food microblog going.

Over the last month I decided to try to merge as much of it as I can. I’m done with the one-purpose, one-topic, online presence that LinkedIn / professional ‘brand yourself!’ people try to box you into. Nope. No more of that.

On the new Popagandhi.com, you will find my posts about food, life, tech, alongside my photos. You will also find my love letters to my wife.

All the posts from here have been brought over there as well in the new Photos section. The RSS feed will give you a feed of all blog, photos, bikes, food posts. I’ve also tried to collect everything I’ve ever done in one place over there, on various pages.

I’m going to leave this on for a bit and then this site and feed will disappear. You know where to find me.

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Adrianna Tan @skinnylatte
Follow me on Mastodon